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Innovative power for Sweden

Lindholmen Science Park AB is jointly owned by Chalmers University of Technology, the City of Gothenburg and the business community. For more than 20 years, owners and partners have worked together to invest and purposefully develop a modern and inspiring innovation environment for several of Sweden’s leading development projects.

Our mission

Without private gain, Lindholmen Science Park AB strives toward the vision to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness with focus on future mobility for people and goods through two parallel assignments. One is to develop the ecosystem within Lindholmen Science Park’s geographical area and the second is to run programs and activities promoting innovation and research.

We provide a neutral development environment where players from the business community, academia and society, together can conduct major research and development projects. For over 20 years, we have been involved in creating successful collaborations and new knowledge. We offer space for new networks, new expertise and new opportunities to develop and grow. We understand that strong ideas are born from collaboration.

Lindholmen Science Parks kontor

Our owners and partners

Lindholmen Science Park AB was founded in 2000 by Chalmers University of Technology and the City of Gothenburg, which are now our owners, together with the business community. Strategic partners include Region Västra Götaland, the University of Gothenburg, the Swedish Transport Administration, Vinnova and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. Acting as a neutral enabler, we have over time grown into a national resource for greater Swedish innovative power.

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"In addition to being a dynamic and creative area, Lindholmen Science Park is also an arena for collaboration across geographical borders. Several leading development projects are being run within this arena, with a focus on future mobility for people and goods. Starting from societal challenges and a shared need for new knowledge, we are accelerating opportunities to develop new solutions, thereby helping to generate long-term growth and innovative power for Sweden."

Our expertise

Based on the needs of today’s society, we pursue various activities in partnering projects, and the lessons learnt from these collaborations help in turn to develop us as a knowledge hub. We gather together stakeholders, initiate and lead projects, and spread insights and new knowledge.

More than half of all projects concern transportation — we therefore summarize the company’s and the ecosystem’s focus as mobility for people and goods. In parallel, we have accumulated an extensive knowledge bank and unique experience in several areas, including ICT, AI, media and visualization, where we are also conducting several successful projects.

Our roots

In the 1980s, Gothenburg was experiencing one of its deepest crises ever. The crisis in the shipbuilding industry resulted in almost 20,000 redundancies and the Lindholmen shipyards stood empty.

Working together, and with a shared vision, the City of Gothenburg, Region Västra Götaland, academia from Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, as well as the international business community, have invested in and purposefully developed this exciting innovation environment. This resulted in the creation of the Lindholmen Science Park concept, which since its formation 20 years ago has evolved from a local initiative into a national resource, an epicenter for development, innovation and collaboration.

Area in development

Lindholmen Science Park has become the most knowledge-intensive and expansive area in Gothenburg. Some 25,000 people now spend time here every day. This figure is expected to double over the next five years. These are students, researchers, high school pupils, residents, entrepreneurs, employees from international companies and national authorities, hotel guests and curious visitors.

Main partners

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Lång VGR logotyp svart