Innovative power for Sweden made possible through collaboration
Several leading development projects are being run at Lindholmen Science Park, focusing on future mobility for people and goods. Project activities are based on collaboration between academia, the business community and the public sector, and the accumulated experience means we can act in parallel as a competence node.
Our role and our assignment are different depending on the type of project we are running or taking part in. A common denominator for all projects in which we participate is that we promote solutions to the societal challenges of today, with rising growth and competitiveness as a long-term result — regionally, nationally and internationally.
Starting point in the needs of society
If the major challenges facing society are to be solved, collaboration is required across traditional subject and organizational boundaries. In our partnering projects, Lindholmen Science Park’s role is to act as the coherent hub, a neutral enabler — to run, project manage, facilitate and to act as a driver in the complex development programs. Our assignment also includes responsibility for knowledge sharing — the role as a competence node.
A knowledge hub with breadth and leading expertise
The company’s and the ecosystem’s leading expertise can be summarized as “future mobility for people and goods.” This is shown in large parts of the project and program activities, and also in the work conducted to develop the local area. In parallel, we have accumulated an extensive knowledge bank and unique experience in several areas, including transport as a whole, ICT, media and visualization. The history behind these focus areas is heavily linked to the collective industries in the region and all in all these contribute to the breadth and diversity of activities.
Transport and logistics
The most prominent industry linked to the ecosystem and the Lindholmen Science Park concept is the transport industry, both in the form of freight transport and mobility and travel for people. Many players in the industry and academia focus on a single segment, and Lindholmen Science Park’s role is to pair together different initiatives and to find the common denominators to develop a system where everything is connected. Our main focus is on projects and programs that embrace a holistic and systems approach, often with elements of trials and demonstrations. Efficient transport and logistics solutions, the connected and autonomous transport system, and the development of the public transport of the future are areas we are developing together with our partners.
Information and communication technology — ICT
Information and communication technology has a broad field of application and constitutes a prerequisite for the activities and development of different industries. We can see this in particular today in the development of mobility and transportation in urban environments. The main drivers for developments in ICT are currently IT security, the cloud, connectivity and process development. Lindholmen Science Park is taking part in this development in several concrete ways and is involved in its application in vehicles, eHealth, management systems and social protection together with our partners.
The field of media combines the creative and cultural industries with digitalization and technology. Within media, we focus on three stages in the value chain; creation, mediation/distribution and experience. At the center of these stages and perspectives is Lindholmen Science Park. We enable meetings, discussions and collaboration to encourage the evolution and growth of media in the region. Our efforts are currently focused on film, TV, gaming and democratic journalism.
Visualization and simulation have become an increasingly important skill and a tool in the further development of products, industries and in presenting ideas. Lindholmen Science Park has an important role to play in several initiatives that are important to society and is an asset to both industry and to individual visualization players using Visual Arena as a tool and workshop, in combination with its expertise.
Den accelererande digitaliseringens och artificiell intelligens (AI) påverkan på hela samhällsutvecklingen kräver helt nya angreppssätt för att påskynda omställningstakten. Det handlar om att höja medvetandegraden, öka kunskaper och insikter i vilka möjligheter och hot som finns, samt hur samhällets aktörer kan samverka för att möta dessa.
AI Sweden har uppdraget att accelerera tillämpningen av AI i Sverige, både inom privat och offentlig sektor. Detta görs bland annat genom forskningssamarbete och branschöverskridande delning av erfarenheter, kunskap och data.