
Programmes and projects in the creative industries media, film, television, computer games and experiences, as well as programmes and projects in visualization and democracy, are gathered here. Storytelling is a common thread in the programmes' operations, but also the rapid technological development in, for example, extended reality (XR), AI and digital twins. The information landscape is undergoing strong change and digitalisation brings opportunities but also challenges such as increased polarisation and misinformation. In the middle of that development is the ambition to be an innovation arena for future storytelling and tomorrow's democratic society.
Programmes and projects

Film & tv

International Youth Think Tank

Medier & demokrati

Visual Arena

Xperience Next

GameLab Lindholmen
Do you want to know more?

Hanna Blomdahl

Martin Holmberg

Martin Högenberg

Anna Wennblad

Gunnar Eriksson