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Borderless traffic safety research - setting the plan towards 2030, seminar #1


How can we in the research community together continue to utilize the opportunities that come with the UN Conference and the Stockholm Declaration? Welcome to a SAFER and Chalmers Area of Advance Transport online seminar "The outcome of the UN Conference on road safety and the Stockholm declaration - Implementation of the nine recommendations supporting the new UN resolution and Agenda 2030"

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Chalmers University of Technology

From a Swedish perspective, the Stockholm declaration is very much a matter of successfully implementing technologies and policies, based on existing research in an effective way – to really achieve the desired effects. Recommendation # 9 Technology is probably the recommendation closest to SAFER's och Chalmers' current research.

In order to quickly and equitably realize the potential benefits of emerging technologies to road safety, including, but not limited to, sensory devices, connectivity methods and artificial intelligence, the Academic Expert Group recommends that corporations and governments incentivize the development, application and deploy­ment of existing and future technologies.

This in order to improve all aspects of road safety from crash prevention to emergency response and trauma care, with special attention given to the safety needs and social, economic and environmental conditions of low- and middle-income nations. But what kind of technology should be used and what driving forces for development are there? What role does for example the connectivity and geofencing play? Technology transfer from e.g. cars to motorbikes and bicycles, and between different parts of the world, are other interesting perspectives; how can we make this happen? How can we make the most out of what we already do and which are the new research questions we can contribute for this recommendation, e.g. linked to geofencing, which is mentioned as an example? Scientific based decisions are needed, how can we contribute and support? These are questions discussed in this seminar.

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