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Sweden-India Mobility Hack


Svenska Institutet arrangerar ett 42-timmars digitalt hackathon i februari: Sweden-India Mobility Hack – Changing the Way We Move. Målet är att designa, testa och utföra idéer för framtiden – med ett särskilt fokus på mobilitet. Studenter, entreprenörer och andra kreativa inbjuds att vara med, för att hjälpa till med att lösa de problem och stödja och driva den pågående utvecklingen.

Arrangeras av: 
The Swedish Institute

(Eventet hålls på engelska)

Sweden and India have joined forces to tackle the important issues regarding safe and sustainable transportation.

Emissions, traffic accidents and ineffective traffic flows are problems shared by all large cities of the world. By gathering creative ideas and developing concepts, we want to generate solutions to improve the current situation.

A hackathon is a designer sprint-like event in which participants collaborate intensively on digital innovations. The goal of a hackathon is to create functioning solutions to predetermined challenges by the end of the event.

To this end, we have open data sources and help from mentors and partners that have specialist knowledge in an area related to the challenge.

Read more and sign up now