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Programs and projects

Based on the needs of today’s society, we pursue various activities in collaboration projects in transport, AI, ICT, visualization and media, focusing on tomorrow's mobility for people and goods.

sjö i landskap

AI Sweden

Swedish National Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence


With the goal that every e-commerce delivery in Sweden should contribute to a active and sustainable society!
Illustrerad bild av en hamn


Transport and logistic efficiency
illustrerad stad med människor

Drive Sweden

A new approach to mobility
buss vid hållplats


Electrified transport for the future

Film & tv

Development in moving media
San Fransisco bridge in sundown

Future Mobility

Enabling collaboration to speed up sustainable mobility innovation
personer som tittar på en datorskärm

International Youth Think Tank

Promoting a democracy movement among young people in Europe
Industriskorstenar mot blå himmel

Klimatledande Processindustri

Climate-leading Process Industry is a West Swedish initiative that strives towards a fossil-independent and competitive industrial region through project activities and knowledge dissemination. Behind...
jordglob med bilder på

Medier & demokrati

Media innovation and societal research
gata med röda och vita ljus


Together we bring future mobility closer


Prehospital innovation arena
Rail Sweden Placeholder

Rail Sweden

The European railway system is innovating at a fast pace. Technology is developed and implemented all over the continent to promote a freight shift from road to rail. Rail Sweden aims to solve the...
Väg går genom djup skog

Triple F

Fossil Free Freight
Personer står framför en stor skärm inne i Visual Arenas studio

Visual Arena

Collaboration within visualization
Folkhav under en Håkan Hellström konsert

Xperience Next

Transformation of a sustainable experience industry through digitization, business development and technology

How do we collaborate in projects?

The projects run within Lindholmen Science Park are based on collaboration between academia, the business community and the public sector.

Bild över området med blå transparent ruta över

Project examples

Here we showcase a selection of exciting projects in different areas, where we collaborate with different parties in the business community, academia and the public sector.

a girl playing with bubbles in the city

European Citiverses Uniting for Inclusiveness

Driving Inclusive Urban Development across Europe
Himmel, skog och ängar med en smal väg i mitten

Mission 0 House

Mission 0 House is an innovative pilot initiative where key players in the materials and...
Person leker med färger


DemoCreate is a national and cross-cutting innovation program for the creative sector. By unleashing...

Exchange for more BETs

Zero-emission trucks have the potential to offer many benefits to fleets, including lower fuel costs...
Väg som går genom en skog


Electrification of long-haul trucks
Lastbil kör på snöklädd väg


Together we electrify Sweden's truck transports!
Två personer går igenom en allé

Future of Democracy

Annual summit on democracy and digitalisation/AI


This is a project with a mission to help Ukrainian refugees to enter the labor market in Sweden as...
Person använder sig av VR


GameLab Lindholmen strengthens and develops the gaming industry in the Gothenburg region.
En Volvo XC40 laddar. Foto: Volvo Cars (projektpartner)

PEPP – Public EV Power Pilots

The collaborative project PEPP, Public EV Power Pilots, investigates whether vehicles can be used as...
Öresundsbron. Foto: Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash.


In the MODI project, 34 European actors collaborate to accelerate the introduction of connected...

Sweden Secure Tech Hub 

A national innovation hub for cybersecurity
Foto över en stad i skymning med bilar som kör till och från staden på en stor motorled

Bryggarbete Fordonsdalen

The project "Fordonsdalen" aims to enable actors within the Stockholm region to collectively develop...
Bro belyst med röda lampor


For increased knowledge and more value for money

Nordic Way 3

The recently concluded project Nordic Way 3 is a collaboration between Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and...
Tre personer samarbetar vid posters


Screenwriters to screenwriters
DTSS-foto-Toves version

Digital Transport Southern Stockholm

Syftet med projektet Digital Transport Southern Stockholm har varit att kartlägga, förstå och...
Illustrerad bild över en stad vid vattnet


Sustainable passenger and freight mobility
Stor tågstation med flera spår


EU initiative for the railway of the future

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